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Naturally Nicki is going LIVE - Part One

I'm excited to announce that after hard work, determination, and with the genius and support of my 'guys', my dream is coming true!!!!

Naturally Nicki ( is going live!!!

Naturally Nicki's Logo

Part One

It's been about a year of planning, preparing, researching and pure drive to make this dream come true. The passion to become an entrepreneur and the guts to believe I have a product that people just might like began when we put our son, Colin, in a new school. It was an event his school holds every year that sparked my imagination, my desire, and that little voice that said "Why Not?"

ace innovations - naturally nicki

held by Ace Academy

Ace Academy Logo - Naturally Nicki

is a fairly high profile event each year that includes the students and all Austinites. Quoted from the Ace Innovation's website - "ACE Innovation grew out of a need; students need opportunities to think and act creatively in order to reach their full potential," Each student/class individually or collectivelly works on an IDEA to create, design, develop, and/ or invent. (Please click Ace Innovation to learn about the greatness of this iconic Austin event).

So... I was impressed with the event and excited for my son! However, it also ended up inspiring ME! I thought "Hey this is cool, I want to invent something, too".

Capital Factory Josh Baer - Naturally Nicki

Even more so when I found out that the keynote speaker Josh Baer's - founder of Capital Factory - tag line was "I help people quit their jobs and become entrepreneurs".

I thought to myself, "Hey, that sounds cool, I want to do that, Could I do that"? The thoughts kept coming - "I want to learn more about opening up a online business and becoming an entrepreneur, what if I actually believed and trusted what my friends and families have suggested to me for over 20 years - "Nicki, you should sell your 'stuff' ". But, then that nasty little voice popped up, "what if I"M not good enough, what if MY PRODUCTS aren't good enough." In the end, my thought process was, "Screw it, What the hell do I have to lose, Why the heck NOT, Start small and see what happens and maybe I'll make some money doing something I love - What A Concept..."

...and so began the journey of Naturally Nicki.

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