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What's been going on....

It's been almost a year since I've posted. Things have been moving along slowly but surely for Naturally Nicki. I've been working in a private school, which took some time away from the focus on Nat. Nick. & my art. However, I plan to continue to make Naturally Nicki a priortiy in my life and continue to grow as an online business professional.


I told myself at the beginning of this journey that I needed to be patient with myself. That this process won't happen over night, it could take a few years. We as artist need to remember this important fact. There's a lot to learn about online businesses while and only having time to do what you love part-time. I'm pleased, however, to announce that I've sold two origami art piec​​es at Mother's Cafe & Garden, 4 Orgami art pieces at Aroma Italian Kitchen AND had my first art show at the Abercorn International School.

I hope to participate in some upcoming 'art-calls' in and around the Austin/ Travis county area, in addition to Lakeway where I live. I'm still living my dream and making art - almost everyday. What more could I ask for... I'm still reacing for my dream that one day, I'll be doing my artwork full-time. I believe I need to be patient but persistant.

If you are grappling with if you should carry on with your online business - don't give up. You may have set backs, but, then you will get back on track. Just like life, you got to keep on going. Keep working your with goals.

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