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Naturally Nicki goes LIVE - Part Two

Hello Again,

I'm so excited and anxious I'm getting things in order in preperations to announce the promotion Naturally Nicki. As I said in the previously blog, It's been over a year in the creation of Naturally Nicki -

from a simple idea/dream/passion/determination to following that inner voice "I want to be an entrepruener selling my art that I love to make." In telling the story in how all this began, I left you in PART ONE with how the idea began - how the seed was planted. I now want to tell you how it became a reality.

I like to call it, "A Family Afair." Naturally Nicki would not have evolved if it had not been for my vivacious son Colin and my creative, forever supportive husband Cameron - co-owner of Mother's Cafe & Garden.

It all began when my son was intensly in to origami.

My son Colin designed the origami piece that I use in all of my art work that I call ARTIGAMI. He named his design "snake skin".

Naturally Nicki - Origami Art - Artigami

When he was making these pieces, I would hang them all around the house - I fell in love with them. I kept saying to myself, "I want to make art out of this and I want to PAINT these." And so... I had that itch to returned to my love of painting with watercolors. Colin taught me how to fold the design. It took me about a month to "get it"!!!! It was a bit harder because I was folding watercolor paper instead of origami paper.... But, with pure determination, I GOT IT!!!

Then, came... How to do I display these cool pieces of art? This is where my sweet Cameron comes into the story. I went out and bought some regular shaddow boxes. Yet, the shadow boxes 'covered/hid' the art. Cameron's creative juices started to flow and after some research and a few prototypes, we came up with the frame


that currently houses my origmi art that we call ARTIGAMI.

How we came up with the word ARTIGAMI? We were on a road trip trying to come up with a name for the Origami Art pieces. At the same time, Cameron and Colin said "ARTIGAMI"... and that was it. - ARTIGAMI was the word. Later, I went to search the word "artigami" and found out that it was actually a word. It meant "making art out of origami". How perfect!!!

And so, there you have it. My story of how Naturally Nicki became a reality. I hope you enjoy all that is to come.

Nicki Alexander with Naturally Nicki

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